After you purchase the 6amMart eCommerce solution, we're ready to assist you in customizing it if you want to change any features or functionalities !
We maintain an agile methodology to customize your freshly purchased 6amMart eCommerce solution.
The 6amMart script from CodeCanyon.
Submit your customization requisition.
Get detailed quotations from our team.
We develop the solution after the order.
Our robust SQA team tests the solution.
We deliver the final solution & await feedback.
We maintain an agile methodology to customize your freshly purchased 6amMart eCommerce solution.
We not only serve customization services, but we also make sure your business thrives.
We have a team of eCommerce experts, experienced in different business industries. You are welcome to talk with them about your requirements.
Here are some basic questions we get about 6amMart’s customization services.
The customization time will be estimated based on the specific requirements of your project.
To know your customization cost, please request a quote.
You don’t need to worry about software testing. Our customization service comes with in-house software testing services as well.
To ensure your satisfaction, we offer reasonable modifications after customizing the software. The number of revisions required is determined by the project's requirements and agreement.